Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Bit of Crazy

Recently I have received a lot of comments about my running and my goals. That is okay. I put myself out there because I want to share my passion with others and I hope to inspire someone to pursue their dreams and goals. Most people are supportive but I do occasionally receive comments mocking me. That is okay too. I am often asked questions like, why do I run on trails out in Timbuktu among wild animals? Why do I run long distances? Why do I want to run ultra marathons? 

Although I am not able to eloquently put it into words, in my mind it is simple. It is primal. Running long distances on trails has had helped me reach a level of focus and discipline that I was previously unaware of. It shuts off the anxious worries that invade my thoughts. I cannot think those negative thoughts out there on the trails because it literally changes my breathing pattern and heart rate. It is as simple as I can't run panting with chest pain. It just doesn't work. When running long distances I focus on breathing, form, hydrating, fueling, scents, sounds, scenery, vigilance...surviving. Simple and primal.

It has also helped me in many other aspects of my life. I have become a more well rounded balanced wife, mom, and friend. It  helps me cope with the storms that roll in and out throughout life. I no longer walk around with knots in my back or tension headaches from worrying or lack of sleep. I appreciate my body now and no longer take it for granted. It allows me to show my son that with determination and grit you can accomplish goals. Even crazy goals.

Can I get hurt? Sure. Am I crazy for wanting to step it up in 2015 and test my limits? I suppose. I will not live in fear and hide in a comfortable bubble though. Long distance trail running is my niche. My passion. My therapy. It allows me to be the best version of me. I always put my family first and they are my everything. Rest assured that I train and plan so that I can return to them safe and sound. They are always the first ones to give me a thumbs up and a slap on the arse to get me out the front door. They. Are. Amazing.  

My mantra for 2015 is to keep moving forward. A bit of crazy + endurance = tranquility.